Understanding the language of wine - a claim I take literally!
Expertise and knowledge combined with language skills.
I convert the quality of your wine into appealing words. Everyone who tastes your wine instantly understands it.
However, more often than not, the right words are essential: wine descriptions, expertises, tech sheets, tasting notes, cover letters, correspondence, website content, marketing texts - I find tailor made words for you and your customers.
She, who knows wine, is able to share her perception of it and make it tangible for the audience.
Take me at my word!
Rebekka Gruber
DipWSET® | Sommelière (IHK)
Übersetzerin/Translator (IHK)
Gerne berate ich Sie und erstelle Ihnen ein unverbindliches Angebot. Ich freue mich, von Ihnen zu hören!
Contact me for a free, no obligation quote. I look forward to hearing from you!
+49.6353-95 80 594
+49.172-69 69 097
rebekka@wine-language.de gruber@trans-language.de
Montag bis Freitag
9 - 17 Uhr
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.