If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. Nelson Mandela
Welcome to trans-language – your proficient and reliable partner in the field of transnational communication solutions.
If you are looking for a reliable, professional and affordable translator,
interpreter, copywriter or editor, you've come to the right place.
trans-language is a professional language services company offering
translation, interpreting, proofreading and copyediting as well as bilingual copywriting services. My focus is on exceptional quality, value for money and complete customer satisfaction. I endeavor
to form long-term business relationships with my clients through provision of professional translation services that continuously exceed my customers’ expectations.
I look forward to providing you with my custom-made transnational
communication solutions.
Let yourself be persuaded by my expertise and professionalism!
Rebekka Gruber
DipWSET® | Sommelière (IHK)
Übersetzerin/Translator (IHK)
Gerne berate ich Sie und erstelle Ihnen ein unverbindliches Angebot. Ich freue mich, von Ihnen zu hören!
Contact me for a free, no obligation quote. I look forward to hearing from you!
+49.6353-95 80 594
+49.172-69 69 097
rebekka@wine-language.de gruber@trans-language.de
Montag bis Freitag
9 - 17 Uhr
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.